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The Powerful Gifts of Healing #momentsofreset #mycoachpav

The Powerful Gifts of Healing

By Coach Pav


"Gift giving has become a universal language of expressing our emotions and underlying feelings to someone based on occasions."


We give gifts pretty much for any special occasions like holidays, special events and milestones (e.g., graduations, getting a job, getting married, having a baby) to congratulate and show our affections and positive feelings to someone.

Likewise, during Moments of Reset, we also give gifts to express our sympathy, support, friendship and empathy on occasions like the loss of loved ones, breakups/divorce, illness, etc.

Why do we give gifts?

When we give gifts, we are showing how much we care about the giftees. Though, there are much deeper meanings in gifts than simply offering what’s inside a box to someone.


"It strengthens our social bonds and relationships with them."



The Most Precious Gift

While it’s nice to be given gifts as a token of comfort during hard times, the best gifts need no elaborate presentation nor aren’t high in price. Your presence with your loved ones is the most precious gift of all.


"By sincerely giving them your time, support and attention, you’re also letting them know you’re there for them and that they aren’t alone."


Spend some time with them and lend a sympathetic ear to hear their stories, anxiety, hope and fears. Even if you might not feel you were in a position to give advice, that’s OK. Just by you being there is more than enough to brighten up someone in their dark days.


Gifts of Healing

During Moments of Reset, cookies, chocolates and fruit baskets may give your friends and loved ones some form of temporary comfort. Yet the pain inside is deeply rooted and no matter how many fruit baskets received or how much time has passed, the feeling of sadness, loneliness, anger, or anxiety are not going to magically disappear. That’s where the healing process needs to take place in order for someone to truly recover from a reset.


"While healing process needs to come from within, you can be a catalyst to help your loved ones (and you, yourself) heal during those dark days." 



Each of our Moments of Reset Kit is designed to kick start the healing process which needs to take place from within. Each Kit comes with a curated card with a quick self-reflection practice and/or tips to help your and/or your loved ones navigate through Moment or shifting the mindset into something more positive towards a productive path that leads to, eventually, healing of the souls.

And that’s why, besides your gift of presence, gifts of healing are among the most powerful gifts, with impacts that can last a lifetime, that you can ever give to someone.

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